Boise Rescue Mission Christmas Child Sponsorships
From the Boise Rescue Mission:
Can you help make a Christmas wish come true?
In an ideal world no child would be homeless, no child would go hungry, and no child would ever wonder why Santa didn’t come to visit them. For many homeless and low-income families these things happen. Unfortunately, sometimes mom must decide if the kids get Christmas gifts, or does she pay the heating bill? If they are homeless, do they even get a Christmas dinner, much less presents? More than 150 women and children will be staying at Boise Rescue Mission Ministries during Christmas, at the City Light and Valley shelters. There will be 200 men at the River of Life. We also help families that have stayed with us in the past. Christmas is far from their minds as they struggle to make rent and keep food on the table. You have the opportunity to change the lives of the men, women, and children we serve by providing them with Christmas gifts. It helps them to know their community supports them as they struggle to end the cycle of homelessness. Will you give to a child looking for Hope? Will you help put the light back in the children’s eyes when they see that there are presents for them under the tree?
How You Can Help
- Sponsor a child with new clothes, toys, and more. Each child sponsorship is between $90-$140. Call or email to receive your child/children's clothing sizes and toy wish list. Can't be a full sponsor?
- Donate single items of clothing, shoes, and toys.
- Give a cash donation so we can purchase what they need. To donate online, visit Everything helps!
Please bring all donations by Monday, December 4th to:
City Light's Resource Center @ 1415 West Jefferson Street, Boise, ID 83702
Valley Women and Children’s Shelter @ 869 West Corporate Lane, Nampa, ID 83651
To contact us, please call 208-343-4680 or Please feel free to forward this email to
friends and family.
Thank you for all your past and future support of the Mission and the children we serve!!