Youth Announcements 2022-03-31

April 6th | Youth Group

When: 6:15PM - 8:15PM Teacher: Cameron Lloyd Topic: Fruit of the Spirit (Patience, Kindness, Goodness) There will be a Costa Rica Team Meeting during youth group. Parents are invited!

If you would like to help serve food before and after the services on Palm Sunday (4/10) and Easter (4/17), email!

Click here to sign up to bring snacks for future youth group meetings!

Introducing our new YIIP- Jack Morgan! (Youth Intern Interim Position)

We are super excited to tell you about Jack! As we have been praying about the next steps for Rev22's youth group, Jack had also been praying about the potential of ministry in his future. Therefore, we have asked Jack if he would be willing to take an interim position with the youth ministry. He prayed and said yes!

He will be starting on May 15th and will intern through December. We are praying about what God is and will continue to do as we look to the future of youth at Rev. Please continue to pray for direction and vision for the youth, and get to know Jack he is a pretty cool guy!!

We asked Jack to tell us how he made this decision, and here is what he said:

Over the past few years, God has been pressing on me to trust him more and follow the plan he has for me, rather than trying to do it on my own. Working in ministry wasn’t something that I had planned when I came to Boise for college, it wasn’t even planned last summer. However, after a number of doors opening and closing, and a few talks with my dad, I decided to see if Rev would take me on as an intern after I graduated, and now here we are. I am excited for this new chapter in my life and to see what full-time ministry looks like, but I am more excited to continue watching the Lord work through and impact the students of this youth group!

We are so thankful that Jack has chosen to serve the youth here! We look forward to praying with him as a church before he officially starts this position on May 15th.

Laura Smith