Kid's Announcements 2022-03-31
Family resources for Sunday, April 3 are available here!
There is an opportunity on Friday, April 8th to attend a Hope for the Journey conference together. Here is Holly Sikha's letter to parents about this conference:
Dear fellow parent, Have you fostered or adopted a child? Do you have a heart to care for families that have? Do you know any kiddos from a hard place? If so, I am excited to invite you to join me at Show Hope’s one day conference this year! This conference is near and dear to my heart as it prepared my heart to adopt and to see kiddos from hard places and their families in a new and compassionate way. We have many families in our church who have adopted or are fostering these precious kiddos and we have the privilege and joy to be community to them. The goal of this conference is to encourage and equip parents and caregivers and friends to meet the needs of these kids and families. We have the joy of walking alongside these kids and families as we do life and community and church with them and this conference can give us a better understanding of how to walk with them and gain understanding. As a parent and a Kids Ministry leader at Rev, I would love to have you join us in getting a little more equipped in ways to serve and support these families.
The registration link is below. Let us know if you plan to come, we look forward to attending together!
More info about the conference from Show Hope: Show Hope’s Hope for the Journey Conference (formerly the Empowered to Connect Conference) seeks to encourage and better equip parents and caregivers meeting the everyday needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care. The conference remains low-cost, high-impact as Show Hope also works to resource churches, agencies, and other organizations as they support and equip the families, caregivers, and the communities they serve. With the busy parent and caregiver in mind, the Hope for the Journey Conference is accessible to this audience with information being practical, succinct, and consumable in its delivery. Structurally, the Hope for the Journey Conference will include five high-level learning modules based on the foundational principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) along with a fifth teaching component, The Gospel + TBRI. Embedded within each learning module will be a “Going Deeper” teaching video on a select topic, and also included will be one practical, encouraging “Practical Perspectives” videos featuring the voices of adult adoptees as well as adoptive and foster families.