Who is Jesus? Part 4

King over God’s Restored Kingdom

In this lesson, we will see how Jesus is the Savior-King of Genesis 3:15, who restored God’s Kingdom to the earth, especially for us who are His. We will see that, in and through Christ the King, God’s Kingdom has come, is coming, and will one day fill the earth.

Key Takeaway: Jesus is not only our Savior. He is our righteous King.


Read Mark 1:14-15

What is a Kingdom? What are the components of a kingdom?

What is God’s Kingdom?

Why could Jesus say God’s Kingdom had come?

Why does Jesus refer to the Gospel in terms of God’s Kingdom?

Because Christ the King has come, God’s kingdom has come. How do each of the following passages affirm that we who belong to Christ the King are already dwelling in His Kingdom?

Colossians 1:13-14
Philippians 3:20-21
Ephesians 2:4-6

In the mystery of the “already/not yet” reality of the Christian life, we who belong to Christ are already citizens of God’s Kingdom, even though we are not yet experiencing the fullness of God’s Kingdom that will one day fill the earth. But because we are already of God’s Kingdom, our identity and power come from God and His Kingdom, even though we still live in this fallen world.

How should our (current) identity as God’s Kingdom people affect the way we live?

Read Colossians 2:13-15

Why did God have to overthrow the Evil One to reestablish His Kingdom on the earth?

How did Our Savior-King triumph over the king of darkness?
What does this mean for us, personally?

Read John 10:10; John 15:1-11; Romans 8:5-10

How do we who are His live out and enjoy the Kingdom life that is already ours in Christ?

By walking in surrendered obedience to Him. The Christian life is a life of surrender because only He can produce true life in us (John 15:4-5; John 7:37-39; 10:10). It is a life of obedience (John 15:8-11) because we enjoy this life by actively following Him into that life.

Though God’s Kingdom has already come, it is also coming.

Read Matthew 6:10, Matthew 6:33; Matthew 13:31-33; Mathew 28:18-20

In what sense is God’s Kingdom progressively coming? What is our role as Kingdom people in advancing God’s Kingdom on the earth?

Our King is continually advancing His Kingdom by capturing and transforming people’s lives through the Gospel. Amazingly, God advances His Kingdom through us, His Kingdom people, as we abide in Him and, thereby announce and embody the Gospel of the Kingdom on the earth. We do this, specifically, by loving others as He loved us, championing Kingdom-centered causes, and intentionally inviting others to enter and enjoy Kingdom-life with us by pointing them to our Savior-King. The evidence of God’s advancing Kingdom has been more or less obvious at different times and in different places throughout history. But we can be sure our Savior-King is always at work, accomplishing His Kingdom purposes.

One day, God’s Kingdom-building work will come to a climax when He creates a new heaven and new earth where only righteousness (rightness) dwells.

Read Matthew 13:41-42; Matthew 19:27-30; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Romans 8:22-25; Revelation 21:1-5

What will we and the world look like when God’s Kingdom fills the earth?

Read 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

What contrast is Paul drawing in this passage?

How can we live and invest our lives now in a way that will have value forever?

Where does the power to live this way come from? (Remember John 15:1-11)

Additional Study

In the last two lessons, we’ve talked about the old and new covenants of God with his people. For more on the continuity and differences between the old and new covenants in scripture, see, What’s New About the New Covenant?

For more on how Christ is King over God’s New Covenant Kingdom:

Karin Aiello